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No rain, No flower🌷


Updated: Aug 9, 2023

💐 No Rain, No Flower💐

"Rain comes to water your seed, but the sunshine comes after to help it grow. Never forget that. No rain, no flower." -Zion Brew

Life's journey is filled with many roads. We travel some on purpose and some we are detoured to. Some are smooth as an ice skating rink while others have bumps, pot holes, and sharp curves.

During our journey we meet an array of people too. Some, sprinkle love and encouragement while others devour it from you. They are known as a 'Soul Leech' or 'Energy Vampire'. They will take as much as you allow them to.

If you are celebraring something, they will ease in a negative moment. They are trying to rain on your parade.

If it does not remove your joy, they will come harder. Be ready. Strap up in His peace and remain joyful.

As soon as you recognize it, you must cut the cord though. Your peace is important. Their ultimate goal is to drain it from you, hoping that it seeps into them.

It does not, so they will try and try again to no avail. They will rain on your parade for giggles. So make sure your seed is planted in good soil and their rain will help it grow. No rain, no flower.

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