Ephesians 5:25 KJV
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
"...Baby, I vow to continue to love you the way Christ loved the church..."
Love and Forgiveness
Jewels of my Heart is a story about love and forgiveness. It's sequal, Forever My Jewels, shows the strength and endurance those two emotions possess.
Love is not only spoken, it is shown in everything we do. It is a Spiritual fruit that comes easy to most.
Their journey is not full of sunshine, but their roots are strong and keeps their love alive.
Life is not perfect. Storms brew. Sometimes, they pass by your home and other times your home takes a direct hit. You do not fight the storm, but prepare for it.
When it is unexpected, you endure it. You protect yourself at all costs. When you love someone you will do the same. You will endure the storm.
Understanding and forgiveness are keys to this. Enduring storms and forgiving one another does not mean you should be foolish.
It means you understand mistakes happen in life. Repeated behavior is not a mistake. Manipulation is not a mistake. Disresprect is not a mistake and so on. My characters, Tony and Jewels, understand this. Life is not perfect for them, but their love endures. Their root is strong and their happiness continues to blossom.